We maintain an active network of both advisors, suppliers and partners. Thanks to this we can take on assignments that would be too wide or large for Naviro alone. We can also bring onboard experts in specific areas that we do not master alone.
Having a network is also related to our core values, Trust and Experience. We would never say we master everything ourselves, so we include the experts we need to solve your demand.
We are the official sales representative in Sweden for HCL Quest Informatics, aftermarket specialists. Our scope covers the HCL Aftermarket Cloud products and services. Together we have delivered several large service and software solutions for our customers, as well as produced many Technical Documents and User Manuals.
We are part of Företagarna, Sweden’s largest federation for small businesses. We are also members of the CONNECT network for angels investors and entrepreneurs. Finally, we are certified by Styrelseakademien, a leading umbrella organisation for board & governance work.