What We Offer
What is the Aftermarket Guide.com?
It is a portal where aftermarket professionals in the industry can discuss and access a wide range of information from hundreds of sources. Free of charge for all readers.
Why use it?
To keep up-to-date with the industry, get inspired, discuss with others and get help to develop your business! Information from thousands of sources are carefully studied and filtered down to a relevant and manageable selection. All available at a click.
Why did we develop it?
In our own work as aftermarket professionals, we missed a portal or other gateway to aftermarket business knowledge. In general, there is not much material available compared with many other professions, and what is available is very hard to find. We spent many months searching for an overview but failed. So we decided to do something about it. The Aftermarket Guide was launched in 2014 and thus still young but already gives you one-click access to a wide range of information.
How to stay updated?
New information is being published continuously, and the easiest way to keep updated is to sign up for the newsletter. And don’t worry, we will not send you tons of e-mails or pass on your details to others. Just the newsletter, and not more than once per month. You can also easily unsubscribe.
What readers do we target?
The content is quite wide but is primarily selected to suit readers among:
- Manufacturers of equipment (OEM’s) offering aftermarket services
- Service companies
- Suppliers of tools and services aimed at supporting aftermarket operations
- Companies offering relevant training courses, seminars and conferences
We hope you will find the guide useful. Please feel free to contribute with information and use the forum. Also remember to sign up for the newsletter. Go ahead and develop your aftermarket business!
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Offering in short
Where aftermarket specialists share know-how!
- Free portal, loaded with relevant know-how
- Litterature, articles, research, videos
- Tools, social media, forums, events
- Newsletter to stayed tuned
- A free service from Naviro. Enjoy!